Saturday, January 23, 2016

Book Review : The Host

Ok.. ok.. I admit it.... I am a Stephanie Meyer fan, Yes I loved 'Twilight' and yes I loved that whole saga! AND... YES... I was heart broken to find out that 'Midnight Sun' was not going to become a book. I have not read anything from Stephenie Meyer since. 

Being that it is now 2016, goals and resolutions have occurred.. and one of my many is to read 13 books this year. 'The Host' was my starting point. 

While treasure hunting at a Goodwil with my Mother-in-law and my Sister-in-law, we found a huge section of abandoned literature. Canyon told me to read this book, I looked at the author, saw that it was about aliens, and thought......hmm I don't think this is gonna be a book for me. We kept browsing and left. We got not 5 min down the road and had to turn around because I forgot to buy the lamp that I had fallen in love with, along with this book. I am SO happy we turned around.

I really enjoyed this book.

The beginning the this story took me a while to get in to.. many times Canyon would ask "what do you think?" ...."I don't know yet, I'm having a hard time...... getting into it"....truly, it wasn't until maybe chapter 4, that I started to get my groove, understanding the whole dynamic of the story. Trying to put myself into the characters shoes.

I don't want to give too many spoilers.... but here are my thoughts on the book. 

Wonderer the alien.
Melanie trapped inside her own body........
Jamie, was the perfect young boy 
Jared, Melanies love. A surviver of the alien invasion.
Ian, my favorite character. team Ian.
Seeker, I hated this character. Aliens have police too.
Jeb, everyone's favorite crazy uncle.

Why did we not see this coming? Why did we not fight? Earth as we all know it, changed. Melanie, is a survivor of the alien invasion along with her brother Jamie. They scavenge to survive, always hiding; they would rather die than become one of THEM. And that is how the story starts.. with near death. Wonderer is placed inside Melanie's body. And her 9th life begins, however Melanie has other ideas, see once a "soul" takes possession of a host body, the human subconscious leaves, hides away, and all that is left is their memories. Those memories become the "souls" memories. Melanie however, doesn't leave; she is aware of everything, someone else is making her mouth talk, someone else is moving her hands. She is a prisoner inside herself.

The story follows Melanie and Wonderer's unlikely bond, through many different adventures. Strange Love triangles. Survival. and Hope. It shows that love can happen in the strangest of places. It shows that learning how to survive when the world is over, can  The ending of this story is by far my favorite! 

Thanks Canyon for the suggestion! I loved it!

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